Dear Dad,
I am going to miss you so much. I know you understand how much I love you, and I know you understood why I left. I just wish I could have been there, I wish I could have protected you- even if from yourself.
You taught me so much. I got my coffee habit from you. I remember as a kid watching you and mom drink coffee everyday and thinking how I would never do that. Now, as I sit here drinking my coffee there's a part of me that smiles, even through my tears. I learned how to do the right thing from you, even when it's not always the easiest thing to do. I learned how to be snarky and sarcastic from you, and I inheireted my love of folk music from you.
I hope you know how much I enjoyed those nights that we sat out on your deck with the music a bit too loud and just talked. I loved our trips for Ice Cream, and I love you so much for supporting my decision to move thousands of miles away, even though it meant leaving you behind.
Thank you for helping me to design that poster for the school carnival when I was in fourth grade, it totally should have won. Thank you for walking me down the aisle when I got married, and for letting me sleep at your house when I got divorced. Thank you for being my patient when I was in school and was going to get an F for the day. Thank you for every time you've saved my ass. I am so sorry that you never got to meet James, you would enjoy his company so much, you two are birds of the same feather.
I could fill a book with good memories, and I love that. Thank you for being such a good friend. I love you so much.
With more love than you can imagine,
Your daughter and friend
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